%% This function was automatically generated. When modifying its signature, take care to apply %% modifications also to the descriptor files in the repository. %% function Geomap_function(Catalog) function Figure1 = Geomap_function_2(Catalog) %% GEOMAP_FUNCTION %% TODO: Put your application code here % Visualization of events on a Geomap % by ML 25 Nov 2021 %close all; clc % Set interpreters to correctly display underscore symbols set(0, 'DefaultTextInterpreter', 'none') set(0, 'DefaultLegendInterpreter', 'none') set(0, 'DefaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter', 'none') % Load catalog and strip the file name %[baseFileName, folder] = uigetfile('*.mat'); %fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName); %load(fullFileName); %chart_title=baseFileName(1:end-4); % Extraction of longitude and latitude from the Catalog lat=Catalog(strcmp('Lat',{Catalog.field})).val; long=Catalog(strcmp('Long',{Catalog.field})).val; % Extraction of magnitude from the Catalog which type recognition if sum((strcmp('ML',{Catalog.field})))==1 Magn=Catalog(strcmp('ML',{Catalog.field})).val; else Magn=Catalog(strcmp('Mw',{Catalog.field})).val; end % Assignment of categories to magnitude data Category = discretize(Magn,[-100 1 2 100],'categorical', {'<1', '1-2', '>2'}); % Assignment of categories' colors (first category in first row, etc.) in RGB standard color_RGB=[0.1 1.0 0.3;... 0.8 0.8 0.2;... 1.0 0.0 0.0]; % Drawing a Geomap gb=geobubble(lat, long, Magn, Category,... 'Basemap', 'streets',... 'BubbleColorList', color_RGB,... 'ColorLegendTitle', 'Magnitude category',... 'SizeLegendTitle', 'Event magnitude',... 'GridVisible', 'on',... 'ScalebarVisible', 'on'); gb.BubbleWidthRange = [1 20]; %title(chart_title); %Figure1 = ancestor(gb, 'figure'); saveas(gcf,'Figure2','png'); end