import logging from obspy import read, read_events, read_inventory from SpectralAnalysis import SpectralAnalysis def count_matching_stations(stream, inventory): """ Count how many stations from the given stream are present in the inventory. Parameters: - stream: ObsPy Stream object containing seismic data. - inventory: ObsPy Inventory object containing network and station metadata. Returns: - count: Number of stations from the stream found in the inventory. """ # Extract unique station codes from the stream stream_stations = set([trace.stats.station for trace in stream]) # Extract unique station codes from the inventory inventory_stations = set([station.code for network in inventory for station in network.stations]) # Count how many stations from the stream are in the inventory count = len(stream_stations.intersection(inventory_stations)) return count, len(stream_stations) def main(waveforms, network_inventory, picks_qml, event_latitude, event_longitude, event_depth, vp, vs, density, taper_type, taper_len, window_len, freq_min, freq_max, min_sn_ratio=1, min_energy_ratio=1, p_wave_analysis=True, s_wave_analysis=True, raytracing=True, allow_station_elevations=False, source_model="Madariaga", sp_fit_model="FBoatwright", norm="L2", z_threshold=6, q_min=1, q_max=400, velocity_model=None): """ Main function for application: SPECTRALPARAMETERS Arguments: waveforms: path to input file of type 'seismogram' Velocity model: path to input file of type 'velocity_model' network_inventory: path to input file of type 'inventory' event_qml: path to input file of type 'quakeml_seismogram_picks' raytracing: parameter of type 'BOOLEAN' save plots: parameter of type 'BOOLEAN' Returns: File(s) named 'Katalog sejsmiczny' of type 'quakeml_seismogram_picks' and format 'XML' from working directory :param event_qml: """ logging.basicConfig(filename="application.log", filemode='a', format='%(asctime)s,%(msecs)d %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%H:%M:%S', level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) config = { # filenames "P_WAVE_SP_FITTING_RESULTS_JSON": "P_wave_analysis_sp_fit_solutions.json", "S_WAVE_SP_FITTING_RESULTS_JSON": "S_wave_analysis_sp_fit_solutions.json", "P_WAVE_JK_RESULTS": "P_wave_analysis_JK_solutions.csv", "S_WAVE_JK_RESULTS": "S_wave_analysis_JK_solutions.csv", "P_WAVE_SP_FITTING_RESULTS": "P_wave_analysis_sp_fit_solutions.csv", "S_WAVE_SP_FITTING_RESULTS": "S_wave_analysis_sp_fit_solutions.csv", "EVENT_RESULTS": "results.csv", "velocity_mat_file": velocity_model, # app options "P_wave_analysis": p_wave_analysis, "S_wave_analysis": s_wave_analysis, "raytrace": raytracing, "allow_station_elev": allow_station_elevations, #event location "longitude": event_longitude, "latitude": event_latitude, "depth": event_depth, # in meters # phase hints "p_phase_hint": ["P", "Pg"], "s_phase_hint": ["S", "Sg"], # source parameters "vp": vp, "vs": vs, "density": density, # window parameters "taper_len": taper_len, "window_len": window_len, "taper_type": taper_type, # filter parameters "freq_min": freq_min, "freq_max": freq_max, # frequency signal-to-noise ratio "min_sn_ratio": min_sn_ratio, # if station signal-to-noise ratio "min_energy_ratio": min_energy_ratio, # L1 / L2 "norm": norm, # Spectrum fitting model: FBrune / FBoatwright "sp_fit_model": sp_fit_model, # Source model: Madariaga / Brune "sp_source_model": source_model, # outliers detection "z_threshold": z_threshold, # q - damping limits "q_min": q_min, "q_max": q_max, } # reading files stream = read(waveforms) inv = read_inventory(network_inventory) qml = read_events(picks_qml).events[0] if not stream: msg = "MSEED file is empty" logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) if not inv or len(inv) == 0: msg = "Inventory file is empty" logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) else: count, total = count_matching_stations(stream, inv)"{count} out of {total} stations in stream are in the inventory") if count == 0: msg = "No stations from MSEED in the Network Inventory" logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) else: sa = SpectralAnalysis(stream=stream, event=qml, inventory=inv, config=config, logger=logger)