% % ----------------- % Copyright © 2022 ACK Cyfronet AGH, Poland. % ----------------- % function [wc]=wavecut(wf,startp,endp) % WAVECUT Extracts a segment of a waveform % % [WC] = WAVECUT(WF, STARTP, ENDP) extracts a segment of the waveform WF % starting at position STARTP and ending at position ENDP. The input % waveform WF is assumed to be a vector. STARTP and ENDP should be % numeric values indicating the start and end positions of the desired % segment. % % Example: % wf = sin(0:0.01:2*pi); % segment = wavecut(wf, 50, 150); % plot(segment); % % See also: other functions that process waveforms. wc=wf(round(startp):round(endp)); end