function s = second(d,f) %SECOND Seconds of date or time. % S = SECOND(D) returns the seconds given a serial date number or a % date string, D. % % S = SECOND(S,F) returns the second of one or more date strings S using % format string F. S can be a character array where each % row corresponds to one date string, or one dimensional cell array of % strings. % % All of the date strings in S must have the same format F, which must be % composed of date format symbols according to Table 2 in DATESTR help. % Formats with 'Q' are not accepted. % % For example, s = second(728647.558427893) or % s = second('19-Dec-1994, 13:24:08.17') returns s = 8.17. % % See also DATEVEC, MINUTE, HOUR. % Copyright 1995-2008 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2008/12/21 01:51:09 $ if nargin < 1 error('finance:second:missingInputs', 'Please enter D.') end if nargin < 2 f = ''; end if ischar(d) d = datenum(d,f); sizeD = size(d); elseif iscell(d) sizeD = size(d); d = datenum(d(:),f); elseif isnumeric(d) sizeD = size(d); else error('finance:second:invalidInputClass', ... 'Invalid date/time class.') end % Generate date vectors from dates. c = datevec(d(:)); % Extract seconds. Multiply by 1000 then round the result to make sure we avoid % roundoff errors for milliseconds. %extract seconds from hours sh = c(:,4)*3600; % extract second from minutes sm = c(:,5)*60; % extract seconds ss = c(:, 6); % round ss = sh + sm + ss; s = round(1000.*ss)./1000; % Reshape into the correct dims s = reshape(s, sizeD); % [EOF]