function [Catalog] = csv2catalog(csvFilePath, column_desc, idPrefix, sortCatalogByTime, useCsvHeader) % DESCRIPTION: Program to create the catalogue v2.0x in the % Matlab format file from csv file. % INPUTS: % - csvFilePath : path to text file with csv data. The separator between columns is defined by ‘,'. % Description of the most popular catalog fields can be found at % - column_desc : structure containing information how the catalog should be created % - include: whether the field should be included in the resulting catalog % - nameInCsv: name of the column in CSV file % - inputType: type of the column in CSV file (REAL/INTEGER/TEXT/DATE_TIME/DATE/DATE_DAY/DATE_MONTH/DATE_YEAR/TIME) % - inputTimeFormat: input format for reading time (if 'inputType' is one of time options) % - inputTimeGroup: input group for merging dates % - nameInCatalog: name of the column that should be insterted into resulting catalog % - description: description of the column in the resulting catalog % - format: format (display format) of the column in the resulting catalog % - unit: unit of the column in the resulting catalog % - fieldType: type of the column in the resulting catalog (e.g. Magnitude, Energy) % - idPrefix : prefix of the ID column if the IDs should be generated (if the catalog doesn't contain % the id or the column is not included ('include' is set to false) %TODO handle multiple time columns %TODO the script fails if any of the rows has an empty value at the end (but empty quotes is ok) data = readAndCheckHeaders(csvFilePath, column_desc, useCsvHeader); colCount = length(column_desc); noCsvHeaderModifier = 1; if useCsvHeader noCsvHeaderModifier = 0; end rowCount = length(data) / colCount - 1 + noCsvHeaderModifier; k = 1; % column number in the generated catalog if ~contains_id(column_desc) if isempty(idPrefix) [~, idPrefix] = fileparts(csvFilePath); end Catalog(k).field = 'ID'; Catalog(k).type = 3; for row = 1 : rowCount Catalog(k).val(row, 1) = { strcat(idPrefix, '_', num2str(row,'%04.f')) }; end Catalog(k).unit = []; Catalog(k).description = 'Event ID'; Catalog(k).fieldType = []; k = 2; end [columnsInTimeGroup, columnsNotToInclude] = getTimeGroups(column_desc); for col=1:colCount current_col = column_desc(col); if ~current_col.include || ismember(col, columnsNotToInclude) continue; end inputTimeGroup = current_col.inputTimeGroup; if ~isempty(current_col.inputTimeGroup) timeGroupArray = columnsInTimeGroup(inputTimeGroup); for columnInGroup = 2 : length(timeGroupArray) current_col.inputTimeFormat = [current_col.inputTimeFormat "-" column_desc(timeGroupArray(columnInGroup)).inputTimeFormat]; end end Catalog(k).field = current_col.nameInCatalog; Catalog(k).type = current_col.format; for row = 1 : rowCount rawValue = data{(colCount * (row - noCsvHeaderModifier)) + col, 1}; if ~isempty(current_col.inputTimeGroup) timeGroupArray = columnsInTimeGroup(inputTimeGroup); for columnInGroup = 2 : length(timeGroupArray) rawValue = [rawValue "-" data{(colCount * (row - noCsvHeaderModifier)) + timeGroupArray(columnInGroup), 1}]; end end if isempty(rawValue) if strcmp(current_col.nameInCatalog, 'ID') error('ID of the event cannot be empty (row: %d)', row) elseif isText(current_col) Catalog(k).val(row, 1) = {''}; else Catalog(k).val(row, 1) = NaN; end else parsedValue = parseTextValue(rawValue, current_col.inputType, current_col.inputTimeFormat); if strcmp(current_col.format, '5a') Catalog(k).val(row, 1) = { datestr(parsedValue, 'yyyy') }; elseif strcmp(current_col.format, '5b') Catalog(k).val(row, 1) = { datestr(parsedValue, 'yyyy-mm') }; else Catalog(k).val(row, 1) = parsedValue; end end end Catalog(k).unit = current_col.unit; Catalog(k).description = current_col.description; Catalog(k).fieldType = current_col.fieldType; k=k+1; end if sortCatalogByTime Catalog = sortByTime(Catalog); end end function containsId = contains_id(column_desc) idIdxs = find(strcmp(column_desc(1).nameInCatalog, 'ID')); if isempty(idIdxs) containsId = 0; else containsId = column_desc(idIdxs).include; end end