% ----------------- % Copyright © 2023 ACK Cyfronet AGH, Poland. % ----------------- function [columnsInTimeGroup, columnsNotToInclude] = getTimeGroups(column_desc) % DESCRIPTION: Script iterating through column_desc and returning column indexes grouped by the same % inputTimeGroup. The second output is array of all the other columns indexes than first in their own respective time group % INPUTS: % - column_desc : structure containing definition of the CSV columns and their mapping to the final object columnsInTimeGroup = containers.Map(); columnsNotToInclude = []; for i=1:length(column_desc) inputTimeGroup = column_desc(i).inputTimeGroup; if ~isempty(inputTimeGroup) if ~ismember(inputTimeGroup, columnsInTimeGroup.keys) columnsInTimeGroup(inputTimeGroup) = [i]; else columnsInTimeGroup(inputTimeGroup) = cat(1, columnsInTimeGroup(inputTimeGroup), i); columnsNotToInclude = cat(1, columnsNotToInclude, i); end end end end