2024-08-28 17:22:21 +02:00

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Raw Blame History

function F=readsac(files)
% F=readsac('files')
% Read a SAC-file or a set of SAC-files.
% Input :
% 'files' corresponds either to the complete name of one SAC-file,
% either to a set of SAC-files with the logical expression *.
% Output :
% F is a structure (length equal to the number of SAC-files read).
% It contains ALL the fields of the SAC's header and the trace in
% the field "trace".
% F=readsac('2004.02.23-17.31.00.ABH.SHZ.SAC')
% reads the file 2004.02.23-17.31.00.ABH.SHZ.SAC and saves it into
% the structure F (dimension: 1*1).
% F=readsac('Data/*BHZ*.SAC')
% reads all the files of the form *BHZ*.SAC in the directory "Data".
% The size of F equals the number of these files.
% From J. Vergne and G. Hetenyi
% By default, the signals are read in mode 'r'
% Determine the type of "files"
if length(list_files)==0
% disp('"readsac": File(s) do not exist');
for ifile=1:length(list_files)
clear dsac;
% Read signals
% ------------
% Following the signal type, reading procedure can be different:
% 'l' - IEEE floating point with little-endian byte ordering
% 'b' - IEEE floating point with big-endian byte ordering
if ENDIAN=='L' bool_l=0;
else bool_l=1;
if fidev > 0
h1=fread(fidev,70,'float'); % --------------
h2=fread(fidev,40,'long'); % reading header
h3=fread(fidev,192,'uchar'); % --------------
% testing byte-order, h2(7) must! be 6.
if h2(7)~=6
% reading trace
% PART 1: reading float-type parameters
% ------------------------------------------
% %- comment are from original version,
% % comments ares from SAC-homepage; %- sampling time interval
dsac.depmin=h1(2); % minimum value of dependent variable
dsac.depmax=h1(3); % maximum value of dependent variable
dsac.scale=h1(4); % multiplying scale factor for dependent variable (not currently used)
dsac.odelta=h1(5); % observed increment if different from nominal value
dsac.b=h1(6); %- begin time (d<>calage du 1er <20>chantillon) (beginning value of independent variable)
dsac.e=h1(7); % ending value of independent variable
dsac.o=h1(8); %- event origin time (seconds relative to reference time)
dsac.a=h1(9); % first arrival time (seconds relative to reference time)
dsac.internal10=h1(10); % INTERNAL
dsac.t0=h1(11); %- user defined time picks or markers
dsac.t1=h1(12); %- (seconds relative to reference time)
dsac.t2=h1(13); %-
dsac.t3=h1(14); %-
dsac.t4=h1(15); %-
dsac.t5=h1(16); %
dsac.t6=h1(17); %
dsac.t7=h1(18); %
dsac.t8=h1(19); %
dsac.t9=h1(20); %
dsac.f=h1(21); % fini or end of event time (seconds relative to reference time)
dsac.resp0=h1(22); % instrument response parameters (not currently used)
dsac.resp1=h1(23); %
dsac.resp2=h1(24); %
dsac.resp3=h1(25); %
dsac.resp4=h1(26); %
dsac.resp5=h1(27); %
dsac.resp6=h1(28); %
dsac.resp7=h1(29); %
dsac.resp8=h1(30); %
dsac.resp9=h1(31); %
dsac.stla=h1(32); %- station latitude (degrees, north positive)
dsac.stlo=h1(33); %- station longitude (degrees, east positive)
dsac.stel=h1(34); %- station elevation (meters)
dsac.stdp=h1(35); % station depth below surface (meters)(not currently used)
dsac.evla=h1(36); %- event latitude (degrees, north positive)
dsac.evlo=h1(37); %- event longitude (degrees, east positive)
dsac.evel=h1(38); % event elevation (meters)(not currently used)
dsac.evdp=h1(39); %- event depth below surface (meters)
dsac.mag=h1(40); % event magnitude
dsac.user0=h1(41); %- used defined variable storage area, floating!
dsac.user1=h1(42); %-
dsac.user2=h1(43); %-
dsac.user3=h1(44); %
dsac.user4=h1(45); %
dsac.user5=h1(46); %
dsac.user6=h1(47); %
dsac.user7=h1(48); %
dsac.user8=h1(49); %
dsac.user9=h1(50); %
dsac.dist=h1(51); %- station to event distance (km); %- event to station azimuth (degrees)
dsac.baz=h1(53); %- station to event azimuth (degrees)
dsac.gcarc=h1(54); %- station to event great circle arc length (degrees)
dsac.internal55=h1(55); % INTERNAL
dsac.internal56=h1(56); % INTERNAL
dsac.depmen=h1(57); % mean value of dependent variable
dsac.cmpaz=h1(58); %- component azimuth (degrees clockwise from north)
dsac.cmpinc=h1(59); %- component incidence angle (degrees from vertical)
dsac.xminimum=h1(60); % minimum value of X (spectral files only)
dsac.xmaximum=h1(61); % maximum value of X (spectral files only)
dsac.yminimum=h1(62); % minimum value of Y (spectral files only)
dsac.ymaximum=h1(63); % maximum value of Y (spectral files only)
dsac.unused64=h1(64); % UNUSED
dsac.unused65=h1(65); % UNUSED
dsac.unused66=h1(66); % UNUSED
dsac.unused67=h1(67); % UNUSED
dsac.unused68=h1(68); % UNUSED
dsac.unused69=h1(69); % UNUSED
dsac.unused70=h1(70); % UNUSED
% PART 2: reading long-type parameters
% ------------------------------------
% GMT time corresponding to reference (0) time in file
dsac.nzyear=h2(1); %- year
dsac.nzjday=h2(2); %- julian day
dsac.nzhour=h2(3); %- hour
dsac.nzmin=h2(4); %- minute
dsac.nzsec=h2(5); % second
dsac.nzmsec=h2(6); % millisecond
dsac.sec=h2(5)+h2(6)/1000; %- full second (NOT an original SAC-attribute!)
dsac.nvhdr=h2(7); % header version number: 6!
dsac.norid=h2(8); % origin ID (CSS 3.0)
dsac.nevid=h2(9); % event ID (CSS 3.0)
dsac.npts=h2(10); %- number of points per data component
dsac.internal81=h2(11);% INTERNAL
dsac.nwfid=h2(12); % waveform ID (CSS 3.0)
dsac.nxsize=h2(13); % spectral length (spectral files only)
dsac.nysize=h2(14); % spectral width (spectral files only)
dsac.unused85=h2(15); % UNUSED
dsac.iftype=h2(16); % type of file (required)(see SAC-page)
dsac.idep=h2(17); % type of dependent variable (see SAC-page)
dsac.iztype=h2(18); % reference time equivalence (see SAC-page)
dsac.unused89=h2(19); % UNUSED
dsac.iinst=h2(20); % type of recording instrument (not currently used)
dsac.istreg=h2(21); % station geogrpahic region (not currently used)
dsac.ievreg=h2(22); % event geographic location (not currently used)
dsac.ievtyp=h2(23); % type of event (see SAC-page)
dsac.iqual=h2(24); % quality of data (not currently used)(see SAC-page)
dsac.isynth=h2(25); % synthetic data flag (not currently used)
dsac.imagtyp=h2(26); % magnitude type
dsac.imagsrc=h2(27); % source of magnitude information
dsac.unused98=h2(28); % UNUSED
dsac.unused99=h2(29); % UNUSED
dsac.unused100=h2(30); % UNUSED
dsac.unused101=h2(31); % UNUSED
dsac.unused102=h2(32); % UNUSED
dsac.unused103=h2(33); % UNUSED
dsac.unused104=h2(34); % UNUSED
dsac.unused105=h2(35); % UNUSED
dsac.leven=h2(36); % TRUE if data is evenly spaced
dsac.lspol=h2(37); % TRUE if station components have positive polarity (left-hand rule)
dsac.lovrok=h2(38); % TRUE if it is okay to overwrite this file on disk
dsac.lcalda=h2(39); % TRUE if DIST,AZ,BAZ and GCARC are to be calculated form station and event coordinates
dsac.unused110=h2(40); % UNUSED
% PART 3: reading uchar-type parameters
% -------------------------------------
imin1=min(find(h3(1:8)==0 | h3(1:8)==32));
imin2=min(find(h3(9:24)==0 | h3(9:24)==32));
dsac.kstnm=rm_blanc(h3(1:1+imin1-1))'; %- station name
dsac.kevnm=rm_blanc(h3(9:9+imin2-1))'; %- event name
dsac.khole=rm_blanc(h3(25:32))'; % hole identification if nuclear event
dsac.ko=rm_blanc(h3(33:40))'; % event origin time identification
dsac.ka=rm_blanc(h3(41:48))'; % first arrival time identification
dsac.kt0=rm_blanc(h3(49:56))'; %- user defined time pick identifications, h1(11:20)
dsac.kt1=rm_blanc(h3(57:64))'; %-
dsac.kt2=rm_blanc(h3(65:72))'; %-
dsac.kt3=rm_blanc(h3(73:80))'; %-
dsac.kt4=rm_blanc(h3(81:88))'; %-
dsac.kt5=rm_blanc(h3(89:96))'; %
dsac.kt6=rm_blanc(h3(97:104))'; %
dsac.kt7=rm_blanc(h3(105:112))'; %
dsac.kt8=rm_blanc(h3(113:120))'; %
dsac.kt9=rm_blanc(h3(121:128))'; %
dsac.kf=rm_blanc(h3(129:136))'; % fini identification
dsac.kuser0=rm_blanc(h3(137:144))'; %- user defined variable storage area
dsac.kuser1=rm_blanc(h3(145:152))'; %-
dsac.kuser2=rm_blanc(h3(153:160))'; %-
dsac.kcmpnm=rm_blanc(h3(161:168))'; %- component name
dsac.knetwk=rm_blanc(h3(169:176))'; % name of seismic network
dsac.kdatrd=rm_blanc(h3(177:184))'; % date data was read onto computer
dsac.kinst=rm_blanc(h3(185:192))'; %- generic name of recording instrument
% reading trace
% -------------
dsac.tau = 1; % Added to check if the file exist
%disp(['"readsac": file ' nomfich ' : reading error - file does not exist'])
% -------------------------------------------------------------
function ch1=rm_blanc(ch)
% looks for whitespace in 'ch' and removes them
if ischar(ch)
ch1=ch(find(double(ch)~=32) & double(ch)~=0);
ch1=ch(find(ch~=32 & ch~=0));