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2024-02-26 23:40:15 +01:00
experiments Added logging MAE for the best runs, option to run a pipeline on a specific dataset, template bash scripts, GPLv3 license. Modified behavior of generating eval targets, it is skipped if targets already exist. 2023-10-12 14:27:53 +02:00
notebooks Added logging MAE for the best runs, option to run a pipeline on a specific dataset, template bash scripts, GPLv3 license. Modified behavior of generating eval targets, it is skipped if targets already exist. 2023-10-12 14:27:53 +02:00
scripts corrected mseed file pattern 2024-02-26 23:40:15 +01:00
.gitignore Added logging MAE for the best runs, option to run a pipeline on a specific dataset, template bash scripts, GPLv3 license. Modified behavior of generating eval targets, it is skipped if targets already exist. 2023-10-12 14:27:53 +02:00
config.json Added logging MAE for the best runs, option to run a pipeline on a specific dataset, template bash scripts, GPLv3 license. Modified behavior of generating eval targets, it is skipped if targets already exist. 2023-10-12 14:27:53 +02:00
epos-ai-train-osx.yml Add installation method for OSX 2023-09-20 22:38:58 +02:00
epos-ai-train.yml Add installation method for OSX 2023-09-20 22:38:58 +02:00
poetry.lock Added scripts converting mseeds from Bogdanka to seisbench format, extended readme, modidified logging 2023-09-26 10:50:46 +02:00
pyproject.toml Added scripts converting mseeds from Bogdanka to seisbench format, extended readme, modidified logging 2023-09-26 10:50:46 +02:00
README.md Added logging MAE for the best runs, option to run a pipeline on a specific dataset, template bash scripts, GPLv3 license. Modified behavior of generating eval targets, it is skipped if targets already exist. 2023-10-12 14:27:53 +02:00

Demo notebooks and scripts for EPOS AI Platform

This repo contains notebooks and scripts demonstrating how to:

  • Train various cnn models available in seisbench library and compare their performance of detecting P and S waves, check the script


This code is based on the pick-benchmark, the repository accompanying the paper: Which picker fits my data? A quantitative evaluation of deep learning based seismic pickers

Installation method 1

Please download and install Mambaforge following the official guide.

After successful installation and within the Mambaforge environment please clone this repository:

git clone ssh://git@git.plgrid.pl:7999/eai/platform-demo-scripts.git

and please run for Linux or Windows platforms:

cd platform-demo-scripts
mambaforge env create -f epos-ai-train.yml

or for OSX:

cd platform-demo-scripts
mambaforge env create -f epos-ai-train-osx.yml

This will create a conda environment named platform-demo-scripts with all required packages installed.

To run the notebooks and scripts from this repository it is necessary to activate the platform-demo-scripts environment by running:

conda activate platform-demo-scripts

Installation method 2

Please install Poetry, a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python. Then we will use only Poetry for creating Python environment and installing dependencies.

Install all dependencies with poetry, run:

poetry install

To run the notebooks and scripts from this repository it is necessary to activate the poetry environment by running:

poetry shell


  1. Prepare .env file with content:

    WANDB_API_KEY="your key"
    WANDB_USER="your user"
  2. Transform data into seisbench format.

    To utilize functionality of Seisbench library, data need to be transformed to SeisBench data format).

    If your data is stored in the MSEED format and catalog in the QuakeML format, you can use the prepared script mseeds_to_seisbench.py to perform the transformation. Please make sure that your data has the same structure as the data used in this project. The script assumes that:

    • the data is stored in the following directory structure: input_path/year/station_network_code/station_code/trace_channel.D e.g. input_path/2018/PL/ALBE/EHE.D/
    • the file names follow the pattern:
      station_network_code.station_code..trace_channel.D.year.day_of_year e.g. PL.ALBE..EHE.D.2018.282

    Run the mseeds_to_seisbench.py script with the following arguments:

    python mseeds_to_seisbench.py --input_path $input_path --catalog_path $catalog_path --output_path $output_path

    If you want to run the script on a cluster, you can use the template script convert_data_template.sh. After adjusting the grant name, the paths to conda env and the paths to data send the job to queue using sbatch command on a login node of e.g. Ares:

     sbatch convert_data_template.sh

    If your data has a different structure or format, check the notebooks to gain an understanding of the Seisbench format and what needs to be done to transform your data:

    • Seisbench example or
    • [Transforming mseeds from Bogdanka to Seisbench format](notebooks/Transforming mseeds from Bogdanka to Seisbench format.ipynb) notebook
  3. Adjust the config.json and specify:

    • dataset_name - the name of the dataset, which will be used to name the folder with evaluation targets and predictions
    • data_path - the path to the data in the Seisbench format
    • experiment_count - the number of experiments to run for each model type
  4. Run the pipeline script python pipeline.py

    The script performs the following steps:

    1. Generates evaluation targets in datasets/<dataset_name>/targets directory.

    2. Trains multiple versions of GPD, PhaseNet and ... models to find the best hyperparameters, producing the lowest validation loss.

      This step utilizes the Weights & Biases platform to perform the hyperparameters search (called sweeping) and track the training process and store the results. The results are available at
      https://epos-ai.grid.cyfronet.pl/<WANDB_USER>/<WANDB_PROJECT> Weights and training logs can be downloaded from the platform. Additionally, the most important data are saved locally in weights/<dataset_name>_<model_name>/ directory:

      • Weights of the best checkpoint of each model are saved as <dataset_name>_<model_name>_sweep=<sweep_id>-run=<run_id>-epoch=<epoch_number>-val_loss=<val_loss>.ckpt
      • Metrics and hyperparams are saved in <run_id> folders
    3. Uses the best performing model of each type to generate predictions. The predictons are saved in the scripts/pred/<dataset_name>_<model_name>/<run_id> directory.

    4. Evaluates the performance of each model by comparing the predictions with the evaluation targets and calculating MAE metrics. The results are saved in the scripts/pred/results.csv file. They are additionally logged in Weights & Biases platform as summary metrics of corresponding runs.

    The default settings are saved in config.json file. To change the settings, edit the config.json file or pass the new settings as arguments to the script. For example, to change the sweep configuration file for GPD model, run:

    python pipeline.py --gpd_config <new config file>

    The new config file should be placed in the experiments folder or as specified in the configs_path parameter in the config.json file.

    If you have multiple datasets, you can run the pipeline for each dataset separately by specifying the dataset name as an argument:

    python pipeline.py --dataset <dataset_name>


  • Problem with reading the catalog file: please make sure that your quakeML xml file has the following opening and closing tags:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<q:quakeml xmlns="http://quakeml.org/xmlns/bed/1.2" xmlns:q="http://quakeml.org/xmlns/quakeml/1.2">


The code is licenced under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.

Copyright © 2023 ACK Cyfronet AGH, Poland.

This work was partially funded by EPOS Project funded in frame of PL-POIR4.2